Welcome to a new wonderland of “Art with Fabrics” by D Harrison & Company. Dee has been called “one of the most talented artists with fabrics”, specializing in exquisite and unique designs for all with home accessories, bedding, blankies, pillows, tablecloths, throws, and window treatments. Her creativity with fabric has now led her into handbag design and whimsical gift bags. You will see her love of art, design, fabrics and trims expressed in everything she creates. The elements of her designs come from all over the world, and include antique, vintage, recycled—any unique fabrics and trims that are appealing to Dee. Many of her collections are one-of-a-kind and true works of art.
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Home Improvement & Services Directory...deliver it · paint it · build it · design it · carpet it · handyman it · wallpaper it · reupholster it Fine Art by Denise H. Cooperman Tools and Technologies for the Home Furnishings Industry

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